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When you are talking to someone for a quite a time,especially if you are discussing various options,it is easy to lose track of what was decided or agreed.Summarising the outcome of a telephone conversation before you ring off helps to overcome that.

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Q: What is the purpose of summarising ther outcomes of the conversation before ending a call?
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How many people does the Bible reveal to have been sanctified by God before their births for a special purpose?

The Bible reveals that only four people were sanctified by God before their births for a special purpose, including Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul.

What does the word counteract mean?

Two words put together to make one word-:-)

What is NATIONAL SKILLS REGISTRY and for what purpose it is used by the corporates?

The National Skills Registry is a division of the company NASSCOM, an IT corporation in India. It is meant to test people's skills and aptitude before employment.

What is the probability of getting one prime number when rolling two dice?

In solving problems like this, the most straightforward approach is to make a table. Columns are used to show the six outcomes from one of the dice, rows the outcomes from the other die. In each cell of the table put the sum of the two dice. Now go throught the table row by row, counting the values that are prime numbers. There are 36 cells in the table, and I counted 15 primes, making a probability of 15/36 = 5/9. But my counting has been wrong before! You had better check it.

What is random hmmm?

According to Wikipedia: "Randomness is a lack of order, purpose, cause, or predictability. A random process is a repeating process whose outcomes follow no describable deterministic pattern, but follow a probability distribution such that the relative probability of the occurrence of each outcome can be approximated or calculated. For instance, the rolling of a six-sided dice in neutral conditions may be said to produce random results in that one cannot compute before a roll what digit will be landed on, but the probability of landing on any of the six rollable digits can be calculated because of the finite cardinality of the set of possible outcomes. The term is often used in statistics to signify well-defined statistical properties, such as a lack of bias or correlation. Monte Carlo Methods, which rely on random input, are important techniques of computational science.[1] Random selection is an official method to resolve tied elections in some jurisdictions[2], and is even an ancient method of divination, as in tarot, the I Ching, and bibliomancy."

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Why it is important to summarise the outcomes of a telephone conversation before the ending the call?

Clarity for both sides. It also helps the forgetful.

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