to confuse the hell out of u also whoever asked this question is a lunchable in human form also think about marshmellow gloves LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Nine million, eight hundred nine thousand, eight hundred twenty one.It is nine million eight hundred nine thousand eight hundred twenty one.
Eight million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight in numerals is: 8,999,998
nine and ninety-eight hundredthsnine point nine eight
It is seventy-eight and nine tenths.
eight-nine hundredths as a percent = 809%eight-nine hundredths = 8.098.09 * 100% = 809%
In the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie, the nine pieces of eight are nine objects which belong to the nine pirate leaders who bound the sea-goddess Calypso to a human body. Although they are called pieces of eight, they are actually just "whatever we had in our pockets at the time," but are called pieces of eight because that sounds more "piratey." A true piece of eight is an old golden Spanish coin. In the days when these were used as currency, these coins were sometimes cut into eight pieces, or "bits", each of which had one-eighth of the value of a full coin. Long after the pieces of eight were common currency, some Americans referred to an eighth of a dollar as a "bit." In the musical "Oklahoma," for example, people bidding at an auction bid "two bits" (a quarter), or "four bits" (fifty cents).
Nine million, eight hundred nine thousand, eight hundred twenty one.It is nine million eight hundred nine thousand eight hundred twenty one.
Eight was afraid of nine because nine "ate/eight" seven, or afraid of seven because seven eight nine, more common
Eight million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight in numerals is: 8,999,998
"Pieces of Eight! Pieces of Eight!"
Pieces of Eight was created on 1978-09-01.
nine and ninety-eight hundredthsnine point nine eight
The sum of (eight and nine tenths) plus (nine and eight tenths) is (eighteen and seven tenths). 8.9 + 9.8 = 18.7
'Pieces of Eight, Pieces of Eight' as all the parrots say...
It is seventy-eight and nine tenths.
eight-nine hundredths as a percent = 809%eight-nine hundredths = 8.098.09 * 100% = 809%
Cap'n Flint, Long John Silver's parrot.