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Q: What is the pyramid structure in relation to data base?
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I think file is a open structure. and the data base is closed structure.

What do you mean by degree of relation in relational data base management system?

The degree of a relation is the number of attributes the relation has in it.The degree of a relation can be zero or more integer. An n-ary relation is a relation in which its degree is n in turn a relation of n attribute(s).

Discuss the difference between a view and a base relation?

Views:1. This is one type of relation which is not a part of the physical database.2. It has no direct or physical relation with the database.3. Views can be used to provide security mechanism.4. Modification through a view (e.g. insert, update, delete) generally not permitted Base Relation:1. A base relation is a relation that is not a derived relation.2. While it can manipulate the conceptual or physical relations stored in the data.3. It does not provide security.4. Modification may be done with a base relation. by Joseph sailo

Which data structure is used in relational model?

The correct term is "What are data structures in database management systems?" Please learn how to speak English ~Sincerely The Hacker

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Control our any data base with the help of SQL, the professional name of SQL is SEQUEL ( Structure Query English Language)

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The food pyramid is a triangle because it is the easiets to represent the data

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data base means a collection of data,which may be inter related. data base management system is a collection of programs for managing the data base.

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Unlike Relational systems in System R ? Domains are not supported ? Enforcement of candidate key uniqueness is optional ? Enforcement of entity integrity is optional ? Referential integrity is not enforced

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