hypotenuse*hypotenuse=opposite side*opposite side+adjecent side*adjecent side
Zero sum game is a term used in game (and economic) theory that says the winnings of one side are exactly equal to the losses of the other side.
Leucippus is best known as being one of the earliest Greeks to develop the the atomism theory. His main interest was metaphysics, and he has no exact recorded birthday or death date.
Classical theory is a reference to established theory. Fuzzy set theory is a reference to theories that are not widely accepted.
It is 217, exactly as in the question.It is 217, exactly as in the question.It is 217, exactly as in the question.It is 217, exactly as in the question.
It can be proven to an extent but if the sides of a right angle triangle are equal in length then using Pythagoras' theorem is impossible to exactly find the length of its hypotenuse which will always be an irrational number that can't be determined.It is a theorem, not a theory. They are not the same. A theorem is shown to be true based on axioms, what is already known to be true. It does not need to be proven using a scientific method.
Not exactly, it is a theory about the origin of the Universe; which does include the Solar system...
If new observations do not fit exactly with the current theory.
That's true. A theory es exactly that - theory... Results from experimentation can prove or disprove a theory.
The Big Bang theory isn't a mystery: the scientists working on it know exactly what they mean by what they say.
new technology
In theory,if the frequency is exactly doubled, the note will be exactly one octave higher.
Scientists had made observations that did not fit exactly with Dalton's theory. Scientists changed the atomic theory to include this new knowledge. While the modern atomic theory is based on Dalton's theory, it is also very different.
If everything is exactly the same (including Temperature, Purity of the Reagents, etc.) you will get the same results. This is called Experimental Reproducibility. BUT, I must add that, 'in theory, theory works.' Just 2 iterations of the experiment, is not enough to 'prove' a theory. Carefully analyze your results.
I don't exactly know why evolutionists refer to it as a theory, but I do know this. A theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning. According to the definition of a theory, evolution is not a theory. Evolution cannot be based on observation. No one was here to observe it. So evolution should be classified as a hypothesis not a theory. It is only a guess as to how things came about.
Exactly the same, there was no big bang!! That theory has been proven wrong.
John Dalton postulated that atoms of the same element are exactly alike in his atomic theory developed in the early 19th century.
theory- Studying something then making a prediction. Then you study a little bit more and thinking your THEORY was right. so theory and prediction are almost the same thing. Prediction- The difference between theory and prediction is that a prediction is a guess it isn't exactly right but you think it might happen. Evidence- Is what you need to make sure your THEORY is correct.