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Q: What is the quadrant on the top left?
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In which quadrant will the value of x be negative?

The value of x will be negative in the bottom left quadrant (quadrant 3) and the top left quadrant (quadrant 2).

How do you number the quadrants on a grid?

There are 4 quadrants on a coordinate plain (grid). The top right is quadrant 1, top left is quadrant 2, bottom left is quadrant 3, and bottom right is quadrant 4.

In what quadrant is cosine negative and cotangent negative?

The second quadrant (top left).

Where is the second quadrant on a graph?

left top

In which quadrant is the point (-5 6)?

In which quadrant is the point (-5, 6)

Where is the second quadrant on a grid?

Top left corner

What are the signs of the coordinate in every quadrant?

Quadrant I: Top Right: x positive, y positive Quadrant II: Top Left: x negative, y positive Quadrant III: Bottom Left: x negative, y negative Quadrant IV: Bottom Right: x positive, y negative

What quadrant of a coordinate plane it the region located?

The top left quadrant is II (2) (x is negative, y is positive) The top right quadrant is I (1) (x is positive, y is positive) The bottom left quadrant is III (3) (x is negative, y is negative) The bottom right quadrant is IV (4) (x is positive, y is negative)

What is the number for a quadrant?

Each quadrant is numbered in a Cartesian coordinate system as follows: Quadrant I (top right) is number 1, Quadrant II (top left) is number 2, Quadrant III (bottom left) is number 3, and Quadrant IV (bottom right) is number 4.

How do you name a quadrant?

Normally they are named as follows: Top Right = I Top Left = II Bottom Left = III Bottom Right = IV

What does quadrant mean in math terms?

Quadrants are used cordinate planes the top right quarter of the plane is quadrant 1 the top left quarter is quadrant 2 the bottom right quarter is quadrant 3 and the bottom left quarter is the quadrant 4 hope that helps im in sixth grade so im not sure if these are the type of quadrants you're looking for but overall good luck

What quadrant is the left psoas muscle in?

left lower quadrant