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Q: What is the r value of half inch sheet rock?
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How big is a crack rock?

A crack rock can be almost any size. Usually about half an inch in diameter.

What is the history of sheet rock?

Sheet rock? Never heard of it. Must be a paperweight for sheets.

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sheet rock

What type of insulation has the highest R value?

As strange as it may sound dead or still air is one of the best insulators. Insulation such as fiberglass or rock wool and styrofoam work because they are fluffy with trapped air. If you have a sheet of four inch thick R40 fiberglass and squeeze it into a wall made of 2X3 studs you will have less R value than than a 3 inch piece of fiberglass insulation. So the highest R value goes to the insulation that traps the most dead air per inch of thickness and is installed propperly.

Can you use tar on sheet rock?

Tar will stick to sheet rock provided the surface is free from grease and dust.

Where can you find party rock anthem violin sheet music?

vilion party rock anthem sheet music

How much to charge to hang sheet rock?

12.00 labor a sheet

How thick are average sheet rock walls?

Interior sheet rock walls are normally 4-1/2" thick.

How high do you need to pile three hundred thousand tons of half inch rock salt in a one hundred foot by one hundred foot area?

There is no way of determining this. You can't give a weight and expect people to know how many pieces of half inch rock salt there are. You're an idiot for asking, you lose 4 internet points.

How do you rehang a towel rack that has been yanked out of the wall?

If there is enough sheet rock damage that you need to patch you could cut the sheet rock enough to put in some 2x4 or 2x6 backing. You can "toe" screw the backing into place with some 3 inch deck screws. Then patch, texture, and paint. This should prevent the problem from happening again.

How can I remove sheet rock effectively and safely?

To remove sheet rock effectively and safely, start by turning off electricity and water in the area. Use a utility knife to score the sheet rock, then gently pry it off with a crowbar. Wear protective gear like gloves and goggles to prevent injuries. Dispose of the sheet rock properly to avoid creating a mess.