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Q: What is the radiation protection factor for a Soldier in a shelter with 2 feet of overhead cover?
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Is a bomb shelter and a fallout shelter the same thing?

No. A bomb shelter is for overhead bombs dropped from planes, etc. A fallout shelter is referencing a nuclear fallout, which would mean it would be safe from radiation.

What is the definition of shelter?


How thick did the walls have to be in a fallout shelter?

The thickness of the walls in a fallout shelter typically ranged from 2 to 4 feet. This thickness was necessary to provide adequate protection from radiation exposure in the event of a nuclear blast. Thicker walls could offer better protection, but they also required more construction materials and space.

What is the definition of harbor?

Shelter, protection

How long can a person survive on mars?

Without protection, a person would not survive long on Mars due to the lack of breathable air, extreme cold temperatures, and intense radiation exposure. To survive on Mars, a person would need a life support system providing oxygen, heating, shelter, and protection from radiation.

Why do bears live in caves?

For protection and shelter

Why did Brian crawl out of his shelter?

Brian crawled out of his shelter because he heard a plane flying overhead and wanted to signal for help by making a fire.

The Moscow underground system is credited as what?

Both as a bomb shelter and a nuclear radiation fallout shelter. OR... The Busiest.

What type of shelter did a civil war soldier sleep in?

They slept in tents

Define the word refuge?

protection or shelter from danger

What is a bergh?

A bergh is an obsolete term for a protection or shelter.

What is a person who seeks shelter and protection called?
