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The diameter of the circle will also be the triangle's hypotenuse so use Pythagoras theorem to find the hypotenuse's length and half the length which will result as a radius of 5 cm.

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Q: What is the radius of a circle that has a right angle triangle located on its entire diameter with legs of 6 and 8 cm?
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What is the circumference of a 6 in circle?

3.14 (pi) multiplied by the diameter of the circle. So if the circle measures 6 inches across the entire width of the circle, that would be the number to begin with.

If a circle has a radius of 7.5 feet what is it's diameter?

The radius is half the diameter (R = D/2). The radius goes from the center of the circle to a point along the perimeter, while the diameter goes across the entire circle, connecting two points opposite each other along the perimeter. If the radius is 7.5 feet, then the diameter is 13 feet.

How many square meters were destroyed in a circle of diameter 25 meters?

Assuming the entire area was destroyed within the circle, the total area destroyed would be: about 491 square meters.

What is meant by a circle's diameter?

It is the distance across the entire span of the circle.Draw a line from one side to the next side like a cord, except directly through the center so that the circle is split in 2 identical semi-circles. The length of this line is the diameter.The radius of the circle is HALF the diameter so you have the relationships:D = R/2orR = 2Dfor R = the radius and D = the diameter

How do you find the circumference of a quarter circle?

easy pi 3.141592654 or 3.14 times the diameter then divide by four first you find the entire circumference then cut into halves or quarters

How do you use cirumference in a sentence?

The circumference of the earth is almost 25 000 miles. The circumference of a circle is equal to pi times the diameter. We sailed around the entire circumference of the island

How big is the earh in diameter?

The entire earth's diameter is 88,850 miles

What is the segment joining the center of a circle to the point of the circle?

That particular segment is the radius of the circle, which is half of the diameter.The radiusThe line segment (distance) from the center of a circle to any point on the diameter of the circle is called the radius.radius which is half the diameter and the area of the circle is pi*radius squared.A chord of a circle is a line segment that has its endpoints on the circumference of the circle.If a line segment is drawn from the center of the circle to the circumference (or curve), it is called a radius.If a chord passes through the center of the circle, its length is the diameter (width) of the circle.Radius joins the center of the circle to any point on the circle and a chord cuts through the circle but does not pass through the center.length of a line segment joining center andany poit on a circleThis is the definition of the radius of the circle, which is equal to one-half the diameter of the circleThe radius of the circle, equal to one-half of its diameter, is any line that goes from the center of the circle to any point on the circle.The distance between the center and the edge of a circle is called the radius.The distance between the center and edge of a circle is called the radius.RadiusThe distance from the center of a circle to its outer edge is the Radius.A line drawn between the center of a circle and the edge of the circle is called the radius.Radius.Diameter is the entire distance across the circle, and radius is from the center to the edge (so 2r=D).Radius :dRadiusThe distance is known as the radius and is drawn in a straight line from the centre of the circle to the edge of the circle itself

What is a segment joining the center of a circle to a point of a circle?

That particular segment is the radius of the circle, which is half of the diameter.The radiusThe line segment (distance) from the center of a circle to any point on the diameter of the circle is called the radius.radius which is half the diameter and the area of the circle is pi*radius squared.A chord of a circle is a line segment that has its endpoints on the circumference of the circle.If a line segment is drawn from the center of the circle to the circumference (or curve), it is called a radius.If a chord passes through the center of the circle, its length is the diameter (width) of the circle.Radius joins the center of the circle to any point on the circle and a chord cuts through the circle but does not pass through the center.length of a line segment joining center andany poit on a circleThis is the definition of the radius of the circle, which is equal to one-half the diameter of the circleThe radius of the circle, equal to one-half of its diameter, is any line that goes from the center of the circle to any point on the circle.The distance between the center and the edge of a circle is called the radius.The distance between the center and edge of a circle is called the radius.RadiusThe distance from the center of a circle to its outer edge is the Radius.A line drawn between the center of a circle and the edge of the circle is called the radius.Radius.Diameter is the entire distance across the circle, and radius is from the center to the edge (so 2r=D).Radius :dRadiusThe distance is known as the radius and is drawn in a straight line from the centre of the circle to the edge of the circle itself

What is a segment joining the center of a circle to a point on the circle?

That particular segment is the radius of the circle, which is half of the diameter.The radiusThe line segment (distance) from the center of a circle to any point on the diameter of the circle is called the radius.radius which is half the diameter and the area of the circle is pi*radius squared.A chord of a circle is a line segment that has its endpoints on the circumference of the circle.If a line segment is drawn from the center of the circle to the circumference (or curve), it is called a radius.If a chord passes through the center of the circle, its length is the diameter (width) of the circle.Radius joins the center of the circle to any point on the circle and a chord cuts through the circle but does not pass through the center.length of a line segment joining center andany poit on a circleThis is the definition of the radius of the circle, which is equal to one-half the diameter of the circleThe radius of the circle, equal to one-half of its diameter, is any line that goes from the center of the circle to any point on the circle.The distance between the center and the edge of a circle is called the radius.The distance between the center and edge of a circle is called the radius.RadiusThe distance from the center of a circle to its outer edge is the Radius.A line drawn between the center of a circle and the edge of the circle is called the radius.Radius.Diameter is the entire distance across the circle, and radius is from the center to the edge (so 2r=D).Radius :dRadiusThe distance is known as the radius and is drawn in a straight line from the centre of the circle to the edge of the circle itself

How much larger is the diameter of the entire atom compared to the diameter of its nucleus?

100,000 times.

How many people does it take to circle the whole entire world?

It is impossible for any number of people to physically circle the entire world since the Earth is a sphere.