

What is the radius of polaris?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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βˆ™ 10y ago

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Polaris is approx 46 times the radius of the sun: somewhere between 30 and 34 million kilometres.

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Q: What is the radius of polaris?
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What is size of polaris star?

Polaris is a yellow super-giant with two smaller companions, Polaris Aa has a radius which is 46 +/- 3 times the Sun's radius.

How much larger is polaris than your sun?

Polaris has a radius around 30 times that of our own sun.

What is the size of the star name polaris?

The main star in the Polaris system has a mass of 4.5 Suns and a radius which is 46 +/- 3 times as big as the Sun's.

How big is earth compared with polaris?

Polaris has a radius which is around 5000 as big and so it occupies a volume which is approximately 125 billion times as large.

How many inches long is the north star?

The radius of Polaris in inches is: 27,400,032,000 inches.

What is the color size and apparent brightness of polaris?

The main star in the Polaris system, Polaris Aa, is a yellow super-giant, with a radius which is 46 +/- 3 times that of the sun. Its apparent magnitude is 1.98 but it is a Cepheid variable.

What is the largest circle that you can draw around Polaris without running into the horizon?

It's the circle whose radius is the same as your north latitude. (That means it depends on where you are, and if you're south of the equator, Polaris is below your horizon anyway and there is no such circle.)

What is the altitude of Polaris as seen from New York City if the terrestrial coordinates are 41 degrees north 74 degrees west?

Polaris makes a little circle of about 1/3° radius around the celestial north pole every day. But we don't notice that, and it appears to mark the pole itself. So the altitude of Polaris is essentially equal to the observer's north latitude. If he's standing 41° north of the equator, then he'll see Polaris at roughly 41° above his northern horizon.

Why is polaris so useful?

Polaris, also known as the North Star, is particularly useful for navigation because it remains fixed in the sky while other stars appear to move throughout the night. Its location directly above the North Pole makes it a reliable reference point for determining direction, especially for travelers in the Northern Hemisphere. Additionally, its brightness and visibility make it easy to spot in clear night skies.

Is a red giant a polaris?

No. Polaris is a multiple star system. In the late 18th century it was resolved into two components, Polaris A and Polaris B. Later, Polaris A was resolved further into Polaris Aa and Polaris Ab. Neither Polaris Aa nor Polaris Ab are red giants. Aa is a supergiant and Ab is a dwarf; both of them are spectral class F ("yellow-white").

Is Polaris A a Red Giant?

No. Polaris is a multiple star system. In the late 18th century it was resolved into two components, Polaris A and Polaris B. Later, Polaris A was resolved further into Polaris Aa and Polaris Ab. Neither Polaris Aa nor Polaris Ab are red giants. Aa is a supergiant and Ab is a dwarf; both of them are spectral class F ("yellow-white").

Which star is cooler Polaris or Regulus?

i think polaris