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Random sampling is a method of selecting a sample where each member of the population has the same probability of being included in the sample. An equivalent statement is that each subset of the population, of the given size, has the same probability of being selected as any other subset of that size.

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Q: What is the random sampling method?
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Is convenience sampling method not a random sampling?

You are correct; convenience sampling is not random sampling.

What sampling method?

Random Sampling

Taking into account optimal sampling strategy and considering cost implications how do you determine the most appropriate sampling method to use?


What are the reasons for choosing random sampling method for ones research work and what is random sampling method anyway?

because it is the simplest sampling technique which requires less time and cost.

Which sampling method is based on probability?

There are many such methods: cluster sampling, stratified random sampling, simple random sampling.Their usefulness depends on the circumstances.

What is the preferred method to select a sample population?

simple random sampling method

What is pure random sampling?

it is also called LOTTERY METHOD

A population is divided into non-overlapping similar groups from which to be sampled what type of sampling method is this?

Stratified Random Sampling. Google it. .

What is the difference between sampling and random sampling?

Sampling involves selecting a subset of individuals or items from a larger population for study. Random sampling is a specific type of sampling method where each individual or item in the population has an equal chance of being selected. In random sampling, the selection of individuals is done purely by chance, reducing bias in the sample.

What is circular systematic sampling?

Circular systematic sampling is a random sampling method. An example is random sampling of households. Assume that a random number generator provides the number 49 as a starting point. Starting with the household that is 49 on the target list, every nth household on the list would be sampled until the desired sample size is reached

Is cluster sampling random?

It can be but it is not simple random sampling.

Which sampling method is appropriate to study the pervalence of AIDS among male and female in india in 1976 1986 1996 2006?

cluster sampling, quota sampling, systematic sampling, stratified random sampling which one is correct?