0% to 100%
A correlation coefficient has a range of -1 to 1. Any number outside of this range has been incorrectly calculated. I note that is you meant to ask - Is r= -0.626 is a very strong correlation coefficient? then the answer No, this value is not a strong indicator that a linear relationship exists. Please see related link. The diagrams showing x-y graphs and the correlation coefficients is a good way to gain a "feel" of the coefficients and strength of relationships.
2X 2 is the coefficient
The coefficient is the number that multiplies a value. For example, the coefficient of 4x is 4. If n+3 is in brackets in the form (n+3) then the coefficient is one. If not the the coefficient of n is also 1.
the correlation coefficient range is -1 to +1
ɪf the regresion coefficient is the coefficient of determination, then it's range is between 0 or 1. ɪf the regression coefficient is the correaltion coefficient (which i think it is) the it must lie between -1 or 1.
You can describe if there's any obvious correlation (like a positive or negative correlation), apparent outliers, and the corrlation coefficient, which is the "r" on your calculator when you do a regression model. The closer "r" is to either -1 or 1, the stronger that correlation is.
The 2014 Land-Rover Range-Rover has a drag coefficient of 0.36 Cd.
The 2004 Land-Rover Range-Rover has a drag coefficient of .38 Cd.
The 2009 Land-Rover Range-Rover has a drag coefficient of 0.39 Cd.
The 2013 Land-Rover Range-Rover has a drag coefficient of 0.35 Cd.
The 2005 Land-Rover Range-Rover has a drag coefficient of .38 Cd.
The 2007 Land-Rover Range-Rover has a drag coefficient of .39 Cd.
The 2003 Land-Rover Range-Rover has a drag coefficient of .38 Cd.
The 2006 Land-Rover Range-Rover has a drag coefficient of .39 Cd.
The 2008 Land-Rover Range-Rover has a drag coefficient of .39 Cd.