

What is the range of meter rule?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is the range of meter rule?
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What is the range a meter rule can go to?

Normally from 0 to 1 metre.

What is the function of a meter rule?

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What is the difference between a meter rule and a meter ruler?

If the calibration starts from the edge of the stick then it is a meter rule Basically "0" starting from the edge And if it is a meter ruler ,there is like half inch of empty space before 0

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What is flow range of a gas flow meter?

The flow range of a gas flow meter is the range of flow rates that the meter is capable of measuring accurately. It typically includes a minimum and maximum flow rate that the meter can reliably detect and measure. It is important to ensure that the flow rates being measured fall within the specified flow range of the gas flow meter for accurate readings.

What was its lethal range?

50 meter

Why should meter rule be balanced on the wedge edgewise?

Balancing the meter rule on the wedge edge-wise ensures that the weight of the meter rule is evenly distributed on both sides, leading to a stable and accurate reading. Placing it edgewise helps minimize the effect of friction and other external forces that may affect the balance of the rule.

What meter rule used for?

Measuring anything up to a metre (meter in USA); drawing straight lines. Rule is the "proper" word for what most of us call a ruler.

What type of meter shows reading on a non-linear scale?

-- analog ohm-meter -- analog power meter -- analog audio level meter -- slide-rule multiplication/division scales -- slide-rule tangent/cotangent scales -- analog tuning dial on an AM radio

What is the use of the meter rule?

to measure distancea metre is a Greek word for measurement.1 metre also = 100 cm

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