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Take a position equation found experimentally, s(t), and take a double derivative. The first d/dx is velocity and the second is acceleration.

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Q: What is the rate of change of free fall acceleration when an object is released into a free fall and can it be verified experimentally and how?
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Is there an acceleration when an object traveling at constant velocity and why?

No, there is no acceleration when an object is traveling at a constant velocity. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the velocity is constant, there is no change and therefore no acceleration.

Does acceleration change when time changes?

Acceleration can change as time changes if there is a change in the velocity of the object. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time, so any change in velocity will result in a change in acceleration.

When does an object's acceleration change?

Acceleration is change of velocity / time.

If an object is moving at a constant velocity what do you know about its acceleration?

"Acceleration" means change of velocity. If velocity is constant, then acceleration is zero.

How do you find the acceleration?

Acceleration = (change in speed) divided by (time for the change)

How is acceleration related to the change in speed?

A change in speed (and/or direction) is acceleration.

What is the equation for change in acceleration?

The equation for change in acceleration is Δa = a_end - a_start, where Δa is the change in acceleration, a_end is the final acceleration, and a_start is the initial acceleration.

What causes a change in acceleration and velocity?

A change in acceleration is caused by a change in the net force acting on an object, according to Newton's second law (F=ma). A change in velocity is caused by acceleration, so whenever there is a change in acceleration, there will also be a change in velocity.

Equation for average acceleration?

The equation for average acceleration is: average acceleration = change in velocity / change in time.

Any change in velocity is what?


What are acceleration examples?

Examples of acceleration are change in speed, change in direction, or both.

How do you find average acceleration?

Acceleration = (change in speed) divided by (time for the change)