Find the GCF of the two numbers and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the ratio is in its simplest form. is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, being a decimal, there is no simpler form. Its rational equivalent is 35/10 which can be simplified to 7/2.
It is already in its lowest terms
t is: 0.76 = 19/25 in its lowest terms
Lowest terms and simplest terms are the same. "Simplest form" is used more often.
Find the GCF of the two numbers and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the ratio is in its simplest form.
It is said to be in its simplest (or lowest) form.
Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, 50:24000 is equal to 1:480.
It is: 1/200 in its lowest terms
The fraction 24 over 30 is written in lowest form as four-fifths.
It is already in its lowest terms is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, being a decimal, there is no simpler form. Its rational equivalent is 35/10 which can be simplified to 7/2.
simplest form or lowest terms
" 6/8 " is the 'simplest form'. " 3/4 " is the 'lowest terms'.
t is: 0.76 = 19/25 in its lowest terms
Lowest terms and simplest terms are the same. "Simplest form" is used more often.
The lowest terms of 117 out of 208 in fraction form is 9/16