In its lowest terms: 12 to 13
34:52 is the ratio of 34 and 52.
It means , the ratio has to be calculated. The ratio is = 52 :35.
640/52 = 160/13
12% of 52 is 6.24
12 is a single number. In so far as it can represent a ratio, it is a ratio of 12 to 1: a unit ratio.12 is a single number. In so far as it can represent a ratio, it is a ratio of 12 to 1: a unit ratio.12 is a single number. In so far as it can represent a ratio, it is a ratio of 12 to 1: a unit ratio.12 is a single number. In so far as it can represent a ratio, it is a ratio of 12 to 1: a unit ratio.
It is: 26/52 = 1/2
52 x 12 = 624 52 12 ------ 104 52 ----------add = 624
It is: 9 to 26
68 days/52 days = 68/52 = 17/13