The ratio is: 7 to 4
It is: 8 to 7
80:30 is one possible answer.
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for 8 30 14 is 2.
3 dimes = 30 cents 8 quarters = 200 cents. So, the ratio is 30/200 or 3/20
The ratio is 7 to 8
The ratio is 8 to 7
The ratio is: 7 to 4
It is 8/14 = 4/7
It is: 8 to 7
14 to 8 14/8 = (14 ÷ 2)/(8 ÷ 2) = 7/4 = 1 3/4
80:30 is one possible answer.
7 to 8
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) for 8 30 14 is 2.
3 dimes = 30 cents 8 quarters = 200 cents. So, the ratio is 30/200 or 3/20