In order to convert a microliter per liter to a mililiter per liter, just divide by 1,000.
3 parts per (3+4+1) = 3/8 = 3/8 liter
mpg x 0.2642 = miles per liter
25 miles per gallon is 10.6285927 kilometers per liter
Moles of solute per liter of solution.
The conversion rate for LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) is approximately 0.51 kilograms per liter. This ratio can vary slightly depending on the specific composition and temperature of the LPG.
129 (grams per liter) = 129,000,000 micrograms per liter.
In order to convert a microliter per liter to a mililiter per liter, just divide by 1,000.
No, milliliter per liter (mL/L) is a ratio of volume to volume, typically used for expressing concentrations of liquids. Parts per million (ppm) is a ratio of mass to mass and is used for very dilute concentrations in general. They are different units of measurement.
There are 1000 mils in a liter (since 1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliters). Therefore, the ratio of 100 mils to a liter is 100:1000, which simplifies to 1:10.
1 mg = 1,000 ug 1 mg per Liter = 1,000 ug per Liter. 1 mg per Liter is 1,000 times as concentrated as 1 ug per Liter.
To convert from kilometers per liter to milliliters, you can use the following steps: Start with the given rate of 12 km per 1 liter. Convert 1 liter to milliliters by multiplying by 1000 (1 liter = 1000 ml). Multiply 12 km by 1000 ml to get 12,000 ml per liter. Therefore, 12 km per liter is equivalent to 12,000 ml per liter.
It depends on how many moles you would like. 0.2M is a ratio which states that you have 0.2 moles per liter of solution.
The ratio of 1 liter to 10 milliliters can be calculated by converting both units to the same measurement. Since 1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliters, the ratio would be 1000:10, which simplifies to 100:1. This means that for every 100 milliliters, there is 1 liter.