

Best Answer

The answer will depend on what you are trying to compare the number of broken families in the Philippines with:

  • the number of families in the Philippines which are not broken
  • the number of broken families in other countries.
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Q: What is the ratio of broken families in the Philippines?
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Related questions

What is the Statistic of broken family in the Philippines?

There are several values presented as the number of broken families in the Philippines. However, most sources agree it is between five and fifteen percent.

What is the statistics of broken families in the Philippines?

it is ugly the ugly people are lol

What causes broken family in the Philippines?

For the same reasons that break up families in all other countries.

How many percent of broken families in the Philippines?

Well, let's not focus on the numbers, friend. Every family faces challenges, but what's important is how we support and uplift one another through difficult times. Remember, with love and understanding, families can heal and grow stronger together.

How many families get broken up in just one year?

hunderads of families get broken up

History of broken family?

In the 1950's, you did not hear of very many families being broken. Today, in 2014, there are many homes that have broken families.

Families can be further broken down into?

Families can be further broken down into nuclear families (parents and children), extended families (relatives beyond nuclear family), single-parent families (one parent raising children), and blended families (combining children from previous relationships).

Do children from broken family often become parents of broken families?

Not usually.

What is the population per hospital bed ratio in the Philippines?

The Philippines has an average ratio of 1,000 people per hospital bed.Has a population of 88,000,000 as of 2007 census 88,000,000 Filipinos divide by 1000 ave. ratio = 88000 beds aison080609

What is the dependency ratio of the Philippines by 2010?

It was around 60.5 %.

Ratio of man and women in the Philippines?


Broken family introduction?

Families can be considered broken for different reasons. Typically the phrase is used for families were the parents are no longer together for whatever reasoning.