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Q: What is the ratio of c6h1206?
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Related questions

Is c6h1206 organic or inorganic?

Glucose is an organic compound.

What elements are in sugar?

Carbon, oxygen,and hydrogen Actually it is C6H1206

Which organic compound is the main fuel supporting respiration?

Glucose (C6H1206)

What is made by the plant in photosynthesis and used by the plant to grow?

glucose C6H1206

What is the substance released from producers due to photosynthesis?

C6H1206+6O2= sugar and oxygen

What is the equation of glucose?

C6H1206 or carbon 6 hydrongen 12 oxygen 6

What is the equation for photosynthesis and the raw materials and products?


How would you explain the general equation for photosynthesis?

CO2 + H20 + energy (light) => C6H1206 (glucose)

What is the chemical equation for glucose?

The chemical equation for glucose is C6H12O6.

What are the raw materials of pahotosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen 6CO2 + 6H20 -> C6H1206 + 602

What does C6H1206 represents?

C6H12O6 represents the chemical formula for glucose, a simple sugar that is an important source of energy for living organisms.

How many moles of solute does one liter of a 6 molar (6M) solution of glucose (C6H1206) contain?

The answer is of course 6 moles.