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Q: What is the ratio of moviegoers in the 18-24 age group to all moviegoers?
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What is the net attendance ratio of Punjab?

The standard definition of the Net Attendence Ratio is "number of pupils in the official age group for a given level of education who attend school in that level, expressed as a percentage of the population in that age group

What is the ratio of boys and girls in the world?

For the age group 0-14 years, the boys:girls ratio is estimated as 1.07:1.

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The age group that experienced the largest increase in the male-female ratio from 1990 to 2000 was likely the senior population, typically age 65 and over. This age group tends to have a higher proportion of females due to longer life expectancy, leading to a larger increase in the male-female ratio as the population ages over the decade.

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1 : 3

The average age for teacher is 35 Students is 15 The average age of a group of students and teachers is 20 What is the ratio of teachers to students?


What is the ratio of women to men in India?

The ratio of the population ages 15 or over is 1.06 males per female.

Is employee age an ordinal scale?

Employee age is a ratio level of measurement. Requirements of ratio level of measurement are: A) has a natural zero (in case of age is birth) and B) differences and ratio's are meaningful (for age 4 is twice as old as 2).

Is age an interval or ratio scale of measurement?

It is a ratio scale of measurement.