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Q: What is the ratio of surface area to volume for a sphere when the surface area id 588 meters squared an volume of 1372 meters cubed?
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What is the ratio of surface area to volume for a sphere with the following measurements surface area equals 300 meters squared volume equals 500 meters cubed?

It is not possible to have a sphere with a surface are of 300 metres squared and a volume of 500 metres cubed. A surface area of 300 sq metres would imply a volume of 488.6 cubic metres or a shape that is non-spherical!

If the volume of a sphere is 3000pie meters cubed what is the surface area of the sphere?

2,157.7 square meters.

If a sphere has a surface area of 289 pi cm squared calculate the volume of the sphere?

2,570 cubic cm

What is the volume and surface area of a sphere with a radius of 3 meters?

Volume = 113.097 m3 Surface area = 113.097 m2

What is the volume of a sphere with a surface area of 1296 pi inch squared?

surface area sphere = 4πr² → r = √(surface_area/4π) = √(1296π in²/4π) = √(324 in²) = 18 in Volume sphere = 4/3 πr³ = 4/3 π (18 in)³ = 7776π in³

What is the ratio of surface area to volume if surface area is 588 meters squared and volume is 1372 meters cubed?

533 m2/1,372 m3 = 0.3885 per meter (rounded)

What is the volume of a sphere that has a diameter of 7 meters?

The volume of a sphere with a diameter of 7 meters is about 179.6m3

Why are the units for volume and surface area raised to different powers?

Surface area is the sum of the areas of all the surfaces of an object. When you add units, they stay the same. Since you are adding, let's say, meters squared and meters squared and meters squared, your unit is still meters squared. Volume is a measure of how much space is inside an object. To find volume, you must multiply length, width, and height. In our example, that would be meters x meters x meters. When you multiply units, they multiply to each other. So, we get meters cubed, or meters^3.

A artist carved a sphere the radius of the stone is 0.93 meters which is closest to the volume of the sphere?

The volume of a sphere with a radius of 0.93 meters is: 3.369 m3

What is the volume of a sphere whose radius is 9 meters?

The volume of a sphere whose radius is 9 meters is: 3,054 meters3

What is the surface area of a sphere with a volume of 3000?

Formula for volume of a sphere is 4 x pi x r cubed Formula for surface area is 4 x pi x r squared Therefore the radius = the cubic root of 3000/(4pi) = 6.20..... So the surface area = 6.20.... squared x pi x 4 =483.60(2dp) HTH

A sphere has an unknown radius and a volume equal to 30 units squared what is the volume of the sphere twice the radius?

A sphere's volume is measured in cubic units, not square units.