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It is 8 : 26.

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Q: What is the ratio of the number of 8 girls to the total number of 26 students in a sixth-grade class?
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There are three times more girls in the class than boys. There are 24 students in the class. How many girls are in the class?

There are 18 girls and 6 boys in the class of 24 students

If the ratio of boys to girls in a class is 1to2 and if the total number you girls is 10 what is the total number of student in the class?

1 to 2 = 5 to 10 so 15 students in all.

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There would be 6 boy students and 18 girl students in the class.

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18 boys and 12 girls

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total number of students are 25 so givin boys number is 12 that way ratio of girls 13/25

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The probability is the number of girls divided by the number of students, so 12/22, or 6/11

A class has 12 boys and 18 girls. What percent of the students in the class are girls?


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If there were 30 students in the class, it would mean that 2/5 are girls. Girls = 12. Boys = 18

A class has 21 students. One third of the students are girls. How many boys are in the class?

14 boys are in the class

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If the ratio of girls to boys is 5:4, then out of the total of 108 students, 5/9 are girls and 4/9 are boys. Therefore, the number of girls is 108 x (5/9) = 60.

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