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Q: What is the real-life application of teen having baby?
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Is a pregnant teen emancipated once they have their baby?

No, not in any state are you emancipated due to pregnancy or having a baby.

How can having a baby affect a teen's finances?

Having a baby is really really expensive, especially since most teens don't have anything of their own yet. you can't live with mom and dad forever. you need time to make a stable environment for your new baby.

What has Bear Grylls done in his lifetime?

climbed Everest twice , being a naughty teen and getting married an having 3 baby's

What risk does a pregnant teen face by having a skeletal structure not fully developed?

Theyll have back problems and their baby might be premature.

Does the baby go to a child then teen?

Yes, this is correct. The complete phases are Baby - Child - Teen - Adult.

Is it okay if having a baby when your six teen?

it doesn't matter when you want to have your baby. all that matter is love if you and your husband or man trust each other and understand one a nother. they ya'll is stright but yah good luck my friend on that. because I'm having a baby when I'm 16 for get that.

What should a teen know about having a baby?

They're a lot of work, a lot of responsibility, a big cost, and you're stuck with it for years and years.

How much education do the teen mother get after giving birth?

It depends where they live and what provision there is for them in their local area. Generally, they get a lot less after having a baby because they look after their baby instead (not that looking after their baby is wrong). Increasingly, though, schools have a lot more provision for teen mums so that they can study whilst their child is cared for.

Can a teen sim have a baby?

A teen sim cannot have a baby, but they can woohoo. I think they can accidently get pregnant, but im not sure.

Will an overage man go to jail for having a baby with a underage teen even if the parents dont file charges?

It is possible, it depends on the laws of the region...

What were the results of the Gulf War for a teen?

The results were the same for a teen as for an adult and a baby

What are the concequences of teen pregnancy?

a baby