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Q: What is the real jhonny like under the tough exterior?
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Yes. Bacteria have tough exterior walls made of peptidoglycan, aweb-like molecule complex made of carbohydrate strands cross-linkedby short peptide bridges.

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A lot of them do. Like Dukey in Jhonny Test

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Tough very Tough

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Chuck Norris is an American actor and martial artist.

What are some similes for trolls?

As ugly as a troll under a bridge. Tough as a troll on a mission. Sly like a troll lurking in the shadows.

Are plastic bags tough?

Are they tough because you can put like 1000gk on the plastic bag and that is why it is tough.

What is exterior and interior?

-Interior is like the inside of something like the inside of the house is the interior etc. -Exterior is the outside of something like the outside of a house or a car etc.

Get a tough girl to like you?

be tough. so she wont think you are a wuss.

What if i like a guy and i act tough around him will he be able to like me of not?

No don't act tough on him. Please him with nice servings and he will like you more

Does the last syllable of the adjective through rhymes with tough?

No, through sounds like thru, and tough sounds like tuff.

How much is the exterior angle of an 12 sided polygon?

Like all polygons the exterior angles add up to 360 degrees

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