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Q: What is the reciprocal of one tenth?
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What is a recriprocal?

A reciprocal is an "upside-down number"!More technically, the reciprocal of a number is 1 divided by the number.Examples:the reciprocal of 2 is one-half (0.5)the reciprocal of 10 is one-tenth (0.1)the reciprocal of 1 = 1

What is the reciprocals of 10?

1 _ 10 One-tenth

What is the reciprocal of 1 and three seveth?

Seven tenth

What is the reciprocal of one?

The reciprocal of one is one.

What is the reciprocal for one fourth?

The reciprocal of one fourth is four. This means that when you multiply one fourth by its reciprocal, the result is one.

What math term means opposite?

Reciprocal would do in certain cases. 1 one tenth is the reciprocal of 10 in arithmetic 270º is the reciprocal of 90º in geometry Inverse would do as well - a reciprocal is an inverse for multiplication. negation means something like the opposition in logic. complement has the meaning of opposite in some cases. opposite is itself a math term- used in geometry as in the phrase "opposite side of a parallellogram".

What is 4.5 meters divided by one-tenth of a meter?

4.5 meters divided by 0.1 meters is equal to 45. This is because dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal. In this case, 0.1 is the reciprocal of 1/10.

What is the reciprocal of one eleventh?

The reciprocal of one eleventh is 11/1

What is the reciprocal of one seventh?

The reciprocal of one seventh or 1/7 is 7.

What is the reciprocal of one six?

reciprocal is 6 or 6/1

What is the reciprocal of negative one nineth?

Reciprocal is -9 reciprocal of a number is one over the number, in your case 1/-1/9 = -9. To get fraction reciprocal you turn it upside down

The product of a number and its reciprocal is always what?

The product of a number and its reciprocal is always one. That's what reciprocal means.