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Q: What is the recording of underwater distance called?
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What do you call the recording of underwater distance?


What is the part of a normal boat which is underwater called?

It's called "draft". Draft is the distance from the waterline to the bottom of the ship.

The process of using sound waves underwater to measure distance is called?

The process of using sound waves underwater to measure distance is called sonar, which stands for Sound Navigation and Ranging. Sonar systems emit sound waves that bounce off objects in the water and are then detected to determine the distance to the object.

The best tool to use to measured distance underwater?

The best tool to use to measure distance underwater is

How is sound waves used to measure distance underwater?

Sound waves are used in underwater distance measurement through a process called sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging). An initial sound pulse is sent, which bounces off an object underwater and returns to the source. By measuring the time it takes for the sound pulse to return, the distance to the object can be calculated based on the speed of sound in water.

Stretching several miles off coast of each continent lies an underwater plateau called what?

The underwater plateau is called the continental shelf. It is a gently sloping shelf that extends from the shoreline of a continent to a variable distance into the ocean.

How did sonar picture created?

Sonar pictures are created by sending sound waves into the water and recording the echoes that bounce back. The time it takes for the sound wave to return provides information on the distance and depth of objects underwater. This data is then translated into visual images that represent the seafloor and any underwater structures or obstacles.

What is an underwater fart called?

An underwater bubble blower.

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major methods used to determine distance and data recording in land survey?

What are areas of underwater ground called?

Areas of underwater ground are called seabeds or ocean floors.

Any sound recording that happens outside of a recording studio is called?

a field recording

What are underwater sound detecting systems called?

Underwater sound detecting systems are called hydrophones. These devices are used to listen to and record sounds underwater, such as those produced by marine animals or underwater activities.