45/66 = 15/22
63/66 = 630/660 is an equivalent fraction. In standard form, 21/22.
First convert it to a decimal number: 66% = .66 Next, make a fraction by placing the decimal number over 1: .66/1 Next. remove the decimal and add as many 0's to the right side of the 1 as there are numbers on the right side of the decimal: 66/100 Next, reduce the fraction: 66/100 = 33/50
66% percent really means 66 over 100. Then, you just have to simplify the fraction 66/100 to get 33/50
7.33333 into a fraction = 66/9 or 22/3
45/66 = 15/22
63/66 = 630/660 is an equivalent fraction. In standard form, 21/22.
3/22 or 2/33 Bring to a common denominator of '66' Make the numerators the equivalent fraction. 3/22 = 9/66 and 2/33 = 4 /66 We now compare the numerators(top) 9 > 4 . Hence 9/66 > 4/66 . It follows 3/22 > 2/33
2 and 66/100 - please reduce!
First convert it to a decimal number: 66% = .66 Next, make a fraction by placing the decimal number over 1: .66/1 Next. remove the decimal and add as many 0's to the right side of the 1 as there are numbers on the right side of the decimal: 66/100 Next, reduce the fraction: 66/100 = 33/50
51/66 = 17/22 in its lowest terms by dividing the numerator and the denominator by 3 which is their HCF
66% percent really means 66 over 100. Then, you just have to simplify the fraction 66/100 to get 33/50
7.33333 into a fraction = 66/9 or 22/3
66 over 100 (: simplified to 33 over 100
66/484 = (66/22)/(484/22) = 3/22
28/66 = 14/33