Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 5, 585/1000 is equal to 117/200, or one hundred and seventeen two hundredths.
It is: 2/9 in its simplest form
It is done by: 0.585 = 585/1000 which is 117/200 when simplified
585/1200 = 39/80 = 0.4875
over 77% 452/585 x 100% = 77.26495726495726
It is: 2/9 in its simplest form
It is done by: 0.585 = 585/1000 which is 117/200 when simplified
It is: 73.125 = 585/8 simplified
390 over 585 in simplest form is 2/3
The marking 585 means it is 585/1000 percent gold or 14k/24k, it is 14k. It is used in Europe commonly.
585/1200 = 39/80 = 0.4875
over 77% 452/585 x 100% = 77.26495726495726
Please check the numbers closely. 585 is the Italian standard hallmark for 14K gold. it stands for 58.5% or 585/1000 pure gold in the item. 585 is frequently misread as 595.
The goal is to find a fraction that will result in a palindromatic number in its decimal form. I would start be creating a palindromatic number as a decimal. The number .585 is an example. It will be a little more fun if the whole form of the number (585) has a few two's and five's as factors, because you will be able to simplify your fraction later. The decimal .585 is clearly equivalent to 585/1000. Since the numerator has a factor of 5, we can simplify to 117/200. .58385 is 58385/100,000 and can be simplified to 11677/200. Just create any palindromatic number you like, and the more factors of 2 and 5 the better for simplifying later.
Expressed as a percentage, 585/650 x 100 = 90 percent.