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Q: What is the reflection image of U across the y axis?
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What does Horizontal line represent?

if u mean math then its the x-axis if u want the vertical then its the y-axis

How many lines of symmetry does the capital U have?

U has one axis of symmetry- the vertical axis through its middle.

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well, first, u have to read off the axis on the horizontal line,then u read off the vertical axis.

How do you set image quality on a cellphone camera?

the image which u click is the best image that can be cliked by ur camera if u have not touched any settings

This planets axis is almost parallel to the ecliptic?

The planet with an axis almost parallel to the ecliptic is Uranus. Its axis is tilted at about 98 degrees, causing it to essentially roll along its orbit around the Sun, leading to extreme seasons and unique day-night cycles.

Why can't you see your image in a plain glass sheet?

as such u r eye can see only a reflected image when there is no cover at the back side of the mirror(plane mirror). the light or the image will pass through it and doesnot reflect . hence u cant see the picture. thank u for u r wonderful question

What is the newest image?

It mAy bE WaCk bUt U AsKeD fOr iT

Does a kite have a line symmetry?

yes it does.....if u flip it side it has the same reflection

Why does the fact that a periscope has two mirrors make what you see through it easier to understand?

The two mirrors in a periscope work together to reflect and invert the image twice, allowing the viewer to see the image in the correct orientation. This design helps to compensate for the natural inversion caused by reflection and ensures that the image appears upright and aligned with what the viewer would see with the naked eye.

How can you send image of an invoice through email?

yes u can

Is there such thing as a hobo?

Google Image one and u will find it!

How do you draw line of balance for repetitive works in construction industry?

after u draw the chart , u decide to work on the early finish or the late finish , and this called t1 .. and nw u have 2 get the time that the activity end on and that's called t2 , t2= t1 + ( (N-1)/R ) N = number of repetitive units R = Rate = number of crew / duration now draw y-axis and x-axis , then draw a parallel line to x-axis at point N on y-axis ,, where the y-axis represent the number of units start from 1 and the (lower) x axis represent the t1 and the ( upper ) x-axis represent the t2