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everything, For example bakers need circumference for bread or builders need perimeter and area for building.

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Q: What is the relation between mathematics and the physical world?
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What is the exact synonym for Applied Mathematics?

The exact synonym for Applied Mathematics is impure mathematics, which does not deal with the study of the physical or biological or sociological world.

What is the best relation in this world according to Hindu?

According to Hindu the relation between man and god is the best. Than comes relation between Man and Parents & Teacher. And than relation with his wife & other relatives.

How is mathematics defined?

Mathematics is a formal science that deals with quantity, space, and change. It is an abstract science that attempts to ascertain and model real objects and phenomena in the physical, biological, and social world.

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how mathematics is important in today's world

How are physics and mathematics numbers different?

They're not. Numbers and the math that manipulates them are fundamentally tools to model and describe the physical world. Thus, mathematics is the language of physics. You might as well ask "How are the words of languages different from the words of the world." regular mathematics uses variables that have different meanings in different expressions and situations than in regular arithmetic expressions.

Why mathematics a tool in physics?

Mathematics is a powerful tool in physics because it provides a precise language to describe and quantify physical phenomena. By using mathematical models, equations, and calculations, physicists can predict and understand the behavior of natural systems. This allows for the formulation of theories and the testing of hypotheses to advance our understanding of the physical world.

What is the difference between hard science and soft science?

Hard science is difficult to solve and needs more time to dedicate to it to solve, in the other hand soft science is easier and needs less time to dedicate to it. Hard science uses mathematics to quantify the physical world, and to make predictions based on mathematics. Soft sciences rely almost exclusively on observations without much in the way of mathematics to back up their "facts."

What is pure math?

Pure Mathematics is the branch of mathematics that deals only with mathematics and how it works - it is the HOW of mathematics. It is abstracted from the real world and provides the "tool box" of mathematics; it includes things like calculus. Applied mathematics is the branch of mathematics which applies the techniques of Pure Mathematics to the real world - it is the WHERE of mathematics; it includes things like mechanics. Pure Mathematics teaches you HOW to integrate, Applied mathematics teaches you WHERE to use integration.

Who is the best mathematics in the world?

me me

What ancient Indian invention changed the world of mathematics?

Aryabhatta who invented 0(Zero) changed the world of mathematics

What did Kepler believe the relationship was between mathematics and the nature world?

He noticed that everything in the natural world had mathematical properties, and they could be used to study and measure everything.

What is the difference between science and technoiogy?

Science is man's study of the physical world. Technology is the ever-changing and evolving tool we use in our understanding of the physical world.