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Tire Need of Mathematics in' Geography

LUIS I'BEILE, DepariBlnt 01 Geographr, UmenltJ of Ok1aJloma

The existence of the world Is'a natural phenonmenon which Is difficult

to define In terms of four dimensions. The investigation of the nature of our

planet Is a human attempt, which is expressed in many different criteria,

one ot which Is geography. .

To the geographer, his 'field is the descriptive science of space area..

Such a det1n1tlon gives rOQID for both qualitative and quantitative aspects

which are combined necessarily, by nature of the geographer's quest.

The intensity with which the quantitative aspect, that is to say, the

scientific method as used in geography, Is limited to a level far below that

ot the qualltatlve intensity.

The author agrees with the contemporary Italian and German schools

of geography, which stress rightfully the importance of science in

geographical investigations and teachings.

Considering the method of investigation, the science fields in geography

are three:

(1.) The 8cien<:e of the planet,

(2.) The science of relationships, (nature to nature, nature to man,

and man to nature),

(3.) The science of distributions (phenomena in cultural or natural


In these three levels, sdence has mathematics as a common language

because it has a spontaneous response from the physical world that is

stUdied. As is for all sciences, mathematics is needed by the geographer

to help coordinate those experiences which the qualitative criteria is

unable to bring to a complete logical system. For it is mathematics, the

technique par excellance, that implements a comprehensive order in the

knOWledge of some fields in geography.

Upon assuming a quantitative attitude, the geographer realizes that

human scientists are operating in a three dimensional space and therefore must apply themselves to some system of scientifi<: induction, deduction and conclusion, all of which are performed mathematically.

To insure the geographer's scientific success a simple procedure Is

here presented, namely the order of scientific procedure in geography:

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in geography we apply maths formula to understand geography

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