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optical path = μ x geometricalpath

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Q: What is the relation between optical path and geometrical path?
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A meridional ray is a ray that passes through the axis of an optical fiber.A skew ray is a ray that travels in a non-planar zig-zag path and never crosses the axis of an optical fiber.

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Did periscope use convex or concave mirror?

The basic periscope uses flat mirrors, to bend and offset the optical path. If magnification is required, then the periscope will use convex objective and eyepiece lenses, becoming a refracting telescope with an offset in its optical path.

Can an optical fiber can make a light beam travel in a path that is curved or twisted?

Yes true

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What design variants might one see in an optical telescope?

Some design variants you may see in an optical telescope include telescopes that fold or divert the optical path with mirrors and telescopes that use special lenses to enhance the images.

What are light gates?

light gates are simple optical circuits that have an opening between an emitter and receiver. If the path between the two is interrupted, a signal is sent to a computer or other data recorder. light gates are typically used for timing and detection.

What optical changes the apparent location of an object by changing the path of light rays coming from the object?

A mirror