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Strain energy (1/2 * Force * deflection) = impact energy (potential energy) (mass * gravitational constant * [height+deflection] )

0.5*F*d = m*g*(h+d)

F is force, d is deflection, m is mass, g is gravitational constant, h is drop height.

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Q: What is the relation between strain energy stress-straindiagrame and impact energy through impact test?
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Albert Einstein equation E equals mc2 states the relation between energy?

...and Mass

What is the Mathematical relation between energy of radiation and wavelength?

The energy of a basic unit of electromagnetic energy, the photon, is related directly to its frequency by a scaling factor called Planck's Constant, and the equation is often written e = Hf where e is energy unit, H is Planck's Constant and f is frequency unit.

Does the moon have gravitational potential energy?

The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.The gravitational potential energy doesn't actually reside in a single object, but in the relationship between two objects. Thus, there is a gravitational potential energy between Earth and Moon, or between a rock that you lift up on the Moon, and the Moon.

If two potential energy were pointing in different directions will there be a current between two points?

Current will flow if there is a difference of potential energy and a path between those points.

Relationship between gravitational and potential energy?

Gravitational + Potential = 100 If you have 67 J of potential energy your gravitational energy would be 33 J.

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Kinetic energy is one type of energy; work is the transfer of certain types of energy.

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1 electron volt (eV) is equal to the amount of energy gained by an electron when it is accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt. This energy amount is approximately equal to 1.6 x 10^-19 joules.

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What is the formula that shows the relation between energy and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation?

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Albert Einstein equation E equals mc2 states the relation between energy?

...and Mass

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There is no relation between medical uses of electromagnetic energy and alternative devices. There are no available scientific evidence to support claims in treating any diseases with the use of electromagnetism.

What are the differences between a Speed vs. Kinetic Energy Graph between a Mass vs. Kinetic Energy Graph?

Look at the equation for kinetic energy.It is clear that relation between mass and kinetic energy is linear (you would get a straight line on the graph), while the relation between speed and kinetic energy is quadratic (you would get a curve, specifically a parabola).

What is the relation between energy and charge?

The relationship between energy and charge is potential difference or voltage. Where a volt is defined as existing between two points in an electric field when one joule of energy is required to move a charge of one coulomb between the two points.