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angular frequency = square root (K/m) wher k is spring constant and m = mass

linear frequency = 1/2pi Times Square root (K/m)

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Q: What is the relation between the spring constant and the frequency?
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Related questions

Does the spring constant depend on applied force or elongation?

The spring constant is a characteristic of the spring itself and represents its stiffness, regardless of the applied force or elongation. It is a constant value for a particular spring and is not influenced by external factors such as the amount of force applied or the degree of elongation.

Does frequency depend on amplitude for harmonic oscillators?

No, the frequency of a harmonic oscillator does not depend on its amplitude. The frequency is determined by the properties of the system, such as mass and spring constant, and remains constant regardless of the amplitude of the oscillation.

A frequency of vibration of a mass-spring system is 5Hz when a 4g mass is attached to the spring .Calculate the forces constant of the spring?

To calculate the force constant of the spring (k), you can use the formula for the frequency of vibration of a mass-spring system: f = 1 / (2π) * √(k / m) where f is the frequency, k is the force constant of the spring, and m is the mass. Rearranging the formula gives: k = (4π^2 * m * f^2). Plugging in the given values: k = (4π^2 * 0.004 * 5^2) ≈ 1.256 N/m.

What is the relation between force and extension?

The relation between force and extension is described by Hooke's Law, which states that the force applied on an elastic material is directly proportional to the extension or compression produced in the material. Mathematically, this can be expressed as F = kx, where F is the force applied, k is the spring constant, and x is the extension or compression.

What are the uses of spring balance?

A spring balance is a weighing device that utilizes the relation between the applied load and the deformation of a spring. It is widely used commercially.

How can you measure the stiffness of spring?

The stiffness of a spring can be measured by calculating its spring constant, which is the force required to deform the spring by a certain distance. This can be done by applying a known force to the spring and measuring the resulting displacement, then using Hooke's Law (F = kx) to determine the spring constant. Another method is to measure the frequency of oscillation of the spring when subjected to a known mass, as the stiffness is inversely proportional to the period squared.

Is the spring constant is constant on the moon?

no the spring constant is not constant on moon because there is no restoring force there

Length of the spring is halved then the spring constant becomes?

If the length of the spring is halved, the spring constant remains the same. The spring constant is determined by the material and shape of the spring, and is not affected by changes in length.

What does the physical significance of the spring constant tells us?

The spring constant represents the stiffness of a spring. A higher spring constant means the spring is stiffer and requires more force to stretch or compress it. Conversely, a lower spring constant indicates a less stiff spring that can be easily stretched or compressed.

If length of spring is halved spring constant becomes?

The spring constant remains the same regardless of the length of the spring. It is a physical property of the spring material and design, representing its stiffness. Cutting the length of the spring in half will not change its spring constant.

Is spring constant same when contracting?

The spring constant remains the same for a specific spring regardless of whether it is contracting or stretching. The spring constant is a measure of the stiffness of the spring and is a property of the material and design of the spring itself.

What is the Effect of spring stiffness on natural frequency?

Increasing the spring stiffness will result in a higher natural frequency. This is because a stiffer spring will require more force to displace it, leading to faster oscillations and a higher frequency. Conversely, decreasing the spring stiffness will lower the natural frequency of the system.