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The 4P's in marketing refer to Product, Price, Place, and Promotion, which are the traditional elements of the marketing mix. The 4C's, on the other hand, focus on Customer needs and wants, Cost to the customer, Convenience, and Communication from the customer's perspective. The relationship between the two is that the 4P's are more company-centric, while the 4C's are more customer-centric, emphasizing a shift from product-focused marketing to customer-focused marketing strategies. Marketers are now encouraged to consider the 4C's when developing their marketing strategies to better meet the needs and expectations of their target audience.

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11y ago

4P's is product focussed marketing mix and there is a customer focused marketing mix called 4C's

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Q: What is the relationship between 4P's to 4C's?
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4Ps of marketing?

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