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With the increase in flow rate the velocity of the fluid increases. and with the increase in velocity the pressure decreases, because there will be pressure drop (Refer Bernoulli's Theorm). So with increase in Flow rate the pressure decreases.

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Q: What is the relationship between flow rate pressure?
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How current is related to pressure in flapper nozzle?

In a flapper nozzle, the flow rate of the fluid passing through is directly proportional to the difference in pressure across the nozzle. As the pressure increases, the flow rate also increases. This relationship between pressure and flow rate is governed by equations such as Bernoulli's principle and the equation of continuity.

How is flow rate related to pressure?

Flow rate is directly related to pressure in a system. As pressure increases, flow rate typically increases as well. This relationship can be described by principles such as Bernoulli's equation, which shows that an increase in pressure leads to an increase in fluid velocity and thus flow rate.

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Pressure plays a crucial role in the flow of fluid by determining the direction and speed of the flow. Fluids flow from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas, creating a pressure difference that drives the movement. The relationship between pressure and flow rate is described by principles like Bernoulli's equation.

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The mass flow rate and discharge pressure in a reciprocating compressor are directly related. As the discharge pressure increases, it can result in a higher mass flow rate through the compressor. This relationship is important for determining the performance and efficiency of the compressor in various operating conditions.

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Does static pressure affect flow rate?

Yes, static pressure plays a role in determining the flow rate of a fluid in a closed system. A higher static pressure typically results in a higher flow rate, while a lower static pressure results in a lower flow rate. This relationship is governed by Bernoulli's principle, which states that an increase in pressure leads to a decrease in velocity and vice versa.

How do you convert water flow in litres per min to pressure in bar?

The relationship between pressure and flow is given by Bernoulli's law. In an idealized system, the speed increases with the square of the increase in pressure. The flow rate would be given by multiplying the area of the outflow by the speed.

Is the relationship between the fluid flow rate and the flow tube radius linear or exponential?

The relationship between fluid flow rate and flow tube radius is typically nonlinear and follows a power law relationship. As the flow tube radius increases, the flow rate also increases, but not in a linear fashion. Instead, the relationship is often modeled using equations involving powers or roots of the tube radius.

How do you convert cmh to static pressure?

To convert volumetric flow rate in cubic meters per hour (cmh) to static pressure in Pascals (Pa), you will need to know the characteristics of the fan or blower generating the flow. You'll need to refer to the fan curve provided by the manufacturer, which shows the relationship between the volumetric flow rate and the static pressure. By interpolating on the fan curve, you can determine the static pressure corresponding to the given flow rate in cmh.

Relationship between flow time and viscosity?

The higher the viscosity, the lower the flow rate.