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Q: What is the relationship between the ASCII Latin-1 character set and its Unicode equivalent that makes conversion between the two simple?
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What is (10.n).7?

Escape sequence is the question of I.T related technology Escape sequence is the question of C++ Language........ Please answer this question # defines the following character escape sequences: * \' - single quote, needed for character literals * \" - double quote, needed for string literals * \\ - backslash * \0 - Unicode character 0 * \a - Alert (character 7) * \b - Backspace (character 8) * \f - Form feed (character 12) * \n - New line (character 10) * \r - Carriage return (character 13) * \t - Horizontal tab (character 9) * \v - Vertical quote (character 11) * \uxxxx - Unicode escape sequence for character with hex value xxxx * \xn[n][n][n] - Unicode escape sequence for character with hex value nnnn (variable length version of \uxxxx) * \Uxxxxxxxx - Unicode escape sequence for character with hex value xxxxxxxx (for generating surrogates

1.75mb is equals to how much?

Each MB (megabyte) is usually taken as 1024 KB, each KB is 1024 bytes. So, a MB is a little more than a million characters (in the traditional ASCII character set - Unicode often takes up more space).Each MB (megabyte) is usually taken as 1024 KB, each KB is 1024 bytes. So, a MB is a little more than a million characters (in the traditional ASCII character set - Unicode often takes up more space).Each MB (megabyte) is usually taken as 1024 KB, each KB is 1024 bytes. So, a MB is a little more than a million characters (in the traditional ASCII character set - Unicode often takes up more space).Each MB (megabyte) is usually taken as 1024 KB, each KB is 1024 bytes. So, a MB is a little more than a million characters (in the traditional ASCII character set - Unicode often takes up more space).

How do you show square root symbol in C plus plus code?

The square root symbol is Unicode 0x221A. To show it, you either need to draw it graphically, or you need to have a Unicode representation library.

How do you type a minus sign if your keyboard does not have one?

A couple ways: - use the hyphen key (above P and to the right on a QWERTY board) - open the character map and copy and paste - use your system's method for entering Unicode and enter 002D.

What are the ASCII codes for subset and proper subset?

Since ASCII ⊊ unicode, I don't know if there are ASCII codes for subset and proper subset. There are Unicode characters for subset and proper subset though: Subset: ⊂, ⊂, ⊂ Subset (or equal): ⊆, ⊆, ⊆ Proper subset: ⊊, ⊊,

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How is the character A represented in Unicode?

The character "A" is represented in Unicode as U+0041.

What is the unicode symbol E057?

I did it and it is this 

Does Character literals are stored as unicode characters?

Character literals in Java are stored as UTF-16 Unicode characters. Each character takes up 16 bits of memory, allowing for representation of a wide range of characters in the Unicode character set.

What is the size in bits of a unicode character?


What is UTF-8 and UTF-16?

UTF-8 is a variable length character encoding method for Unicode.. It is otherwise known as 8-bit UCS/Unicode Transformation Format. UTF-16 is another variable length character encoding method for Unicode, that is a stronger then UTF-8. It is otherwise known as 16 bit Unicode Transformation Method.

Why does java use unicode?

Transform character s into numbers (binary)

What is a unicode character set used for?

The unicode character set was used in the simplest forms of coding over 25 years ago and is still used today for computing in e-mails, the web, and even for fonts.

What size of space in a computer is used to hold a character?

1 byte (Unicode)

How many characters does unicode supports?

it support the 65000 different universal character.

How many KB in one character?

A character in ASCII format requires only one byte and a character in UNICODE requires 2 bytes.

Write short note on ASCII and unicode?

In computer memory, character are represented using predefined character set. Historically 7 bit American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) code, 8 bit American National Standards Institute (ANSI) code and Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code(EBCDIC) were used. These coding scheme represents selected characters into 7 or 8 bit binary code. These character schemes do not represent all the characters in all the languages in uniform format. At present Unicode is used to represent characters into the computer memory. Unicode provides universal and efficient character presentations and hence evolved as modern character representation scheme. Unicode scheme is maintained by a non-profit organization called Unicode consortium. Unicode is also compatible with other coding scheme like ASCII. Unicode use either 16 bits or 32 bits to represent a character. Unicode has capability represent characters from all the major languages in use currently across the world.

How do you make peso sign in Microsoft word 2007?

You'll need a Unicode typeface that supports the Unicode 20B1 character, which is rare. An alternative is the Unicode 20A7 character which is slightly more common. To see if your typeface has it, type 20B1 and then, without spacing, Alt-X. Then do the same with 20A7 and see if that works. Hope I helped you :)