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Q: What is the relationship between the angle of elevation and the angle of depression between two points?
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you subtract both elevation and then that would be the elevation...

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What is the science definition of a depression contour line?

A depression contour line represents a closed loop on a map indicating a depression or low area of land. It connects points of equal elevation below the surrounding terrain.

What is the difference between contour lines and relief?

Contour line connect points of equal elevation on a map, whereas relief is the difference in elevation from the highest and lowest on a map.

How do you write an equation that represents points in a table?

The answer depends on what relationship - if any - exists between the points in the table. There need not be any relationship.

What is an depression contour?

A depression contour is a line drawn on a map connecting points of equal depth below a reference point, such as sea level. It represents a depression or a lower elevation relative to the surrounding terrain. These contours help in visualizing the shape and depth of the land surface.

The elevation difference between one contour line and the next is called?

latitude and longitude

Fact must be known to determine the average slope between the two points?

The distance between two points must be known to determine the average slope between the two points. You must also know the change in elevation.

What is change in elevation called?

the measure of change in elevation in a certain distance is called gradient

What term is used to find the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points in an area?

altitude differential

Contour lines connect points with the same?

Contour lines connect points with the same elevation or value, showing the shape and elevation of the land on a map.

How do you find out if two points have equal elevation?

The best way to find out if 2 points have equal elevation is to measure them. You must measure each of these points.