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Q: What is the relationship between the diameter of a circle and its circumference called?
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What is the relationship called between the diameter of a circle and its circumference?

Circumference = diameter x pi

What is the relationship called when a diameter and a circumference equal 3.14?

An impossibility because if the diameter is 3.14 then the circumference must be 3.14*pi

What is the relationship between diameter and circumference?

The distance across a circle through the center is called the diameter. The distance around a circle is called the circumference. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter. So,2 radius x Pi = circumferencePi is approximately 3.14159265358979323846...

Why 3 is a good representation for a relationship between the diameter and the circumference?

The ratio of circumference to diameter is a number called pi, equal to about 3.14159265. If you round this to 3, you are about 4.5% off. This is good enough for mental estimates; for calculations on paper and pencil, or calculator, I would at least use two digits after the decimal point, i.e., 3.14.

What is 3.1425?

That is called pi, the ratio between the diameter and the circumference of a circle. Of course, 3.14159265 is more accurate.

How do you find the diameter of a circle with the perimeter?

The equivalent of a "perimeter" in a circle is actually called its circumference. To get the diameter, just divide the circumference by pi.

How do you work out edge of a circle from diameter?

diameter X pi = circumference What you call edge is usually called circumference. pi = 3.1416

What is the formula for the circumfriss of a circle?

It is called circumference. This is usually calculated from the diameter (circumference = pi x diameter), or from the radius (circumference = 2 x pi x radius).

If a circle has a circumference of 100 feet what is the width?

With "width", I assume you mean what is commonly called the diameter - the distance through the center. The circumference is diamter x pi, therefore, the diameter is the circumference divided by pi. In other words, just divide the circumference by 3.14, approximately.With "width", I assume you mean what is commonly called the diameter - the distance through the center. The circumference is diamter x pi, therefore, the diameter is the circumference divided by pi. In other words, just divide the circumference by 3.14, approximately.With "width", I assume you mean what is commonly called the diameter - the distance through the center. The circumference is diamter x pi, therefore, the diameter is the circumference divided by pi. In other words, just divide the circumference by 3.14, approximately.With "width", I assume you mean what is commonly called the diameter - the distance through the center. The circumference is diamter x pi, therefore, the diameter is the circumference divided by pi. In other words, just divide the circumference by 3.14, approximately.

Why is the number pi called pi?

The symbol pi (π) for the value was introduced by the English mathematician William Jones (1746-1794). Long before then, the numerical relationship between the diameter and circumference of a circle was known and used.

What is the ratio of the circummference of a circle to its diameter called?

pi = circumference of a circle divided by its diameter

Circumference of a circle?

Boundry of circle is called circumference.