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There is an inverse relationship between the datasets.

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Q: What is the relationship between two data sets when one data set of data values increases while the other decreases?
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Inverse proportion

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This is known as an inverse relationship, where one value increases as the other decreases, or vice versa. It can also be described as a negative correlation between the two values.

When two values change in opposite directions so that if one increases and the other decreases by the same amount they are said to be inversely proportional to each other?

When two values are inversely proportional, one value increases as the other decreases, keeping their product constant. In mathematical terms, this relationship can be expressed as y = k/x, where y and x are the two values and k is the constant of proportionality. Examples include the relation between speed and time to travel a certain distance, or pressure and volume of a gas at constant temperature.

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Y would decrease in value as X increases in value.

In an inverse relationship how do the values of y change as the values of x is decreased?

The value of y increases, such that x*y remains a constant.

What are the 3 different kinds of proportion?

*direct proportion - As one values increases, so does the other. *indirect proportion - As one values increases, the other decreases. *partitive proportion - involves identifying parts of a whole based on a given ratio of these parts.

What trend does electro negativity follow going down the periodic table?

Electronegativity decreases as you go down a group in the periodic table. This is because as you move down a group, the atomic radius increases, leading to a decrease in the attraction between the nucleus and the outer electrons, resulting in lower electronegativity values.

If values for x and y vary as an inverse proportion?

If values for x and y vary inversely, this means that as one value increases, the other value decreases and vice versa. This relationship can be represented by the equation xy = k, where k is a constant. This means that the product of x and y remains constant throughout the changes in their values.