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The meter is the standard unit of distance in the metric system.

One kilometer is 1000 meters, or 103 meters.

A micrometers, is one-thousandth of a meter, or 10-3 meters

If there are three steps up from a meter to a kilometer, and three steps down from a meter to a micrometer, then there are six steps up from micro to kilo meter, or six steps down from kilo to micro meter.

One km is 106 micrometers.

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Q: What is the relationship betweena kilometer meter and micrometer?
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What is the largest kilometer meter millimeter micrometer?

From largest to smallest:Kilometer (km)Meter (m)Millimeter (mm)Micrometer/Micron (µ)

Is one kilometer or one micrometer larger?

Kilometer = 1000 meter Micrometer = 0.000001 meter So, 1 KM = 1 bilion (10^9) micrometers

What is the mathematical relationship between meter kilometer centimeter millimeter and micrometer?

One meter = 0.001 kilometers,1 kilometer = 100 000 centimeters,1 centimeter = 10 millimeters,1 millimeter = 1000 micrometers.

How many Kilometers are in 1.549 micrometers?

A micrometer is one millionth of a meter, a kilometer is 1000 meters. So you can see there are no kilometers in a micrometer, but there are one billion micrometers in a kilometer

What is the relationship between a micrometer and a meter?

1 meter = 1,000,000 micrometers

Which unit is larger kilometer micrometer centimeter or decimeter?

kilometer = 1000 meters decameter = 10 meters meter = 1/1000th kilometer ... approx 39.9 inches, just over a yard. decimeter = 1/10th meter centimeter = 1/100th meter millimeter = 1/1000th meter micrometer = 1/1000th millimeter - and - micrometer = 1/1,000,000 meter - one millionth of a meter. These are listed in size from largest to smallest. You did not ask about Meter, Decameter or Meter. By the way, in England it is called a Metre, not a Meter.

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-- nanometer -- micrometer (micron) -- millimeter -- meter -- kilometer

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-- nanometer -- micrometer (micron) -- millimeter -- meter -- kilometer

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What is the relationship between a kilometer and a meter?

A kilometer is one thousand times longer than one meter. Eg. One meter times a thousand is one kilometer.

Is a micrometer larger or smaller than a meter?

A micrometer is smaller than a meter. One micrometer is equal to one-millionth of a meter.

What is bigger a meter or a micrometer?

A meter is bigger than a micrometer. One meter is equal to 1,000,000 micrometers.