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Q: What is the relationship in which benefits flow both ways between interacting species?
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What is a relationship between two species in which one species the parasite benefits from the other species the host and usually harms the host?

It's called a parasitic relationship when one species benefits and one species is harmed. A simbiotic relationship is when both species benefit.

A particular plant species is pollinated by a certain insect species. The insct species edepends on the plant species for food. Which term describes how this relationship forms?

Co-adaptation which can occur between interacting genes or structures within an organism or in this case between two or more interacting species. ( the plant and the insect ) Give me a Like

What is a one-way relationship called in which one species benefits at the expense of another?

A one-way relationship where one species benefits at the expense of another is known as parasitism. In this relationship, the species that benefits is called the parasite, while the species that is harmed is known as the host.

Particular plant species is pollinated by a certain insect species. The insect species depends on the plant species for food. Which term describes how this relationship forms?

Co-adaptation which can occur between interacting genes or structures within an organism or in this case between two or more interacting species. ( the plant and the insect ) -- NovaNet -- --Give me a like--

A particular plant species is pollinated by a certain insect species. The insect species depends on the plant species for food. Which terms describes how this relationship forms?

Co-adaptation which can occur between interacting genes or structures within an organism or in this case between two or more interacting species. ( the plant and the insect ) -- NovaNet -- --Give me a like--

A particular plant species is pollinated by a certain insect species. the insect species depend on the plant species for food. which term describe how this relationship forms?

Co-adaptation which can occur between interacting genes or structures within an organism or in this case between two or more interacting species. ( the plant and the insect ) -- NovaNet -- --Give me a like--

A particular plant species is pollinated by a certain insect species. The insect species depends on the plant species for food. Which term describes how this relationship forms?

Co-adaptation which can occur between interacting genes or structures within an organism or in this case between two or more interacting species. ( the plant and the insect ) -- NovaNet -- --Give me a like--

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What is the difference between commensalism and mutualism?

The Difference between mutualism And commensalism is that mutualism is a relationship between two species in which both species benefit and Commensalism is a relationship between two organisms in which one organism benefits and the other is unnaffected.

What is the relationship between the caterpillar and leaf?

they have mutuality relationship

Is the relationship between an unborn child and its mother parasitism?

On the face of it, the relationship does seem to be parasitic, but you must remember that:Parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship between organisms of different species where one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the host.(from Wikipedia)The mother benefits in the long term, because it is propagating the species.