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Q: What is the repeat sign in math look like?
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The percent sign looks like this %. It is a forward slash that has a little circle on the top and the lower side of the dash. It is a common icon in the math world.

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the at sign looks like this: @

What sign means to go back and play a section of music?

The repeat sign looks something like this :ll .

How do you write the repeat sign in math?

You put the line over the number at the end of the decimal, number, or pattern that you want to keep keep repeating infinitely.

What sign mean to go back and play a section of music again?

The repeat sign looks something like this :ll .

Where do the repeat signs usually take you in music?

generally when you reach a repeat sign, you will go back to where the repeat sign is. if there inset one. you will repeat the entire piece from the beginning.

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what does a no power boat ahead sign look like

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it looks like the delta sign.

What is the repeat note in music called?

the repeat note is called the repeat sign

What does this mean in math like 2 of them like an equal sign?

~ this is the symbol im talking about>