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7 divided by 9 is

7/9 = 0.777777777

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Q: What is the repeating decimal for seven divided by nine?
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0.77777777777777777777777777777778 or it is .7 repeating, it is endless

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87/9=9.6 repeating, or 9.67

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Five divided by nine is equal to: 5 / 9 = 0.55 with the last 5 repeating = approximately to 0.56 Seven divided by nine is equal to: 7 / 9 = 0.77 with the last 7 repeating = approximately to 0.78

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Any number that is 1-8 divided by 9 (which is a proper fraction) is just that number as a decimal repeating. So 4 divided by 9 is 0.444444444444444444 that repeats forever.

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0.6666 repeating

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