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role of statistic would be more general to every one as there will be proper statistical figures

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Q: What is the role of statistics in socio economic planning and policy formulation in India?
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What are the five elements of policy design?

1- problem identification 2- policy formulation 3- agenda setting 4- decision making 5- policy implementation

What are the uses of statistics to government?

Statistics can help a government make informed policy decisions regarding many different areas. An example would be, if a government receives statistics based on their economy and it tells them that there is a 12 % unemployment rate. This would signal to a government to make a policy decision regarding this statistic.

Which department does the Bureau of Labor Statistics fall under?

The BLS is distinct from the policy-making and enforcement activities of the Department of Labor.

What is the importance of statistics in geography?

IMPORTANCE OF STUDING STATISTICS IN GEOGRAPHY. In recent years, statistics has occupied a dominant place in society. In the light of its significance, its scope as well as importance highlighted Importance in Defense and War: Statistical tools are very useful in the fields of defense and war because it helps to compare the military strength of different countries in terms of man power, tanks, war-aeroplanes, missiles etc. Moreover, it helps in planning future military strategy of the country. It helps to estimate the loss due to war. It helps to arrange the war finance. Statistics and Economic Planning: Modern age is the age of planning and without statistics planning is inconceivable. The days of laissez faire had gone and state intervention in every walk of life has become universal in character. Our future depends on proper planning. Thus, planning is only successful on accurate analysis of complex statistical data. In India, the various plans that have been prepared or implemented, planners have made use of statistical data. Moreover, in our country, National Sample Survey Scheme was introduced to collect the statistical data for the use of planning. Statistical apparatus are employed not only to construct the plans but the success of every plan is judged by the use of statistical tools. Statistics and State: Statistics are the eyes of state as they help in administration. In the ancient times, the ruling kings and chiefs have to rely heavily on statistics to frame suitable military and fiscal policies. Similarly, modern states make tremendous use of statistical tools on various problems. Before, implementing any policy, a state has to examine its pros and cons. For instance, before suggesting any remedial measures of the evil of crime, the state requires to make a deep statistical investigation of the problem. Similarly, state conducts the population census to estimate the figures of national income and the prosperity of the country. In this way, state is the most single unit which not only collects the largest amount of statistics but also needs statistics on a very extensive scale. statistics may only have valid interpretations for the area and subarea configuration over which they are calculated. Boundary delineation The location of a study area boundary and the positioning of internal boundaries affect various descriptive statistics. With respect to measures such as the mean or standard deviation, the study area size alone may have large implications; consider a study of per capita income within a city, if confined to the inner city, income levels are likely to be lower because of a less affluent population, if expanded to include the suburbs or surrounding communities, income levels will become greater with the influence of homeowner populations. Because of this problem, absolute descriptive statistics such as the mean, standard deviation, and variance should be evaluated comparatively only in relation to a particular study area. In the determination of internal boundaries this is also true, as these statistics may only have valid interpretations for the area and subarea configuration over which they are calculated. Descriptive spatial statistics See main article Spatial descriptive statistics For summarizing point pattern analysis, a set of descriptive spatial statistics has been developed that are areal equivalents to nonspatial measures. Since geographers are particularly concerned with the analysis of locational data, these descriptive spatial statistics (geostatistics) are often applied to summarize point patterns and to describe the degree of spatial variability of some phenomena. Spatial measures of central tendency An example here is the idea of a center of population, of which a particular example is the mean center of U.S. population. Several different ways of defining a center are available: • Mean center: The mean is an important measure of central tendency, which when extended to a set of points, located on a Cartesian coordinate system, the average location, centroid or mean center, can be determined. • The weighted mean center is analogous to frequencies in the calculation of grouped statistics, such as the weighted mean. A point may represent a retail outlet, while its frequency will represent the volume of sales within the particular store. • Median center or Euclidean center and in the median center of United States population. This is related to the Manhattan distance. . Statistics and Business: Statistics is extremely useful in modern activities of business. Business is full of risks and uncertainties. According to Boddington, "A successful businessman is one whose estimates most closely approach accuracy". Every success in business depends on precision in forecasting. Thus, a businessman must make a proper analysis of the past records to forecast the future business conditions. Moreover, every business man has to make use of the statistical tools to estimate the trend of prices and of economic activities. In short, business involves risk and when there is risk, it is better to have a calculated risk. References • Duncan, Otis Dudley, Raymond Paul Cuzzort and Beverly Duncan (1977). Statistical Geography: Problems in Analyzing Areal Data. Greenwood Press. ISBN 0-8371-9676-0. • Dickinson, G.C. (1973). Statistical mapping and the presentation of statistics. Edward Arnold. ISBN 0-7131-5641-4.

What are the relevance of statistics to local government administration?

DISCUSS THE RELEVANCE OF STATISTICS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATIONStatistics is essential for a country. Different policies of the government are based on statistics. Statistical data are now widely used in taking all administrative decisions. Suppose if the government wants to revise the pay scales of employees in view of an increase in the living cost, statistical methods will be used to determine the rise in the cost of living. Preparation of federal and provincial government budgets mainly depends upon statistics because it helps in estimating the expected expenditures and revenue from different sources. So statistics are the eyes of administration of the stateStatistics is study of the systematic collection, organization, and interpretation of data. This includes the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments. Is is therefore safe to say that Statistics, as a discipline, is the development and application of methods to collect, analyze and interpret data for future planning and problem solving.The common goal of a statistical research project is to investigate causality, that is the is the relationship between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect) where the second event is understood as a consequence of the first and in particular to draw a conclusion on the effect of changes in the values of predictors or independent variable on dependent variables or response. Modern statistical methodsInvolve the design and analysis of experiments and surveys, the quantification of biological, social and scientific phenomenon and the application of statistical principles to understand more about the world around us. Since data are used in most areas of human endeavor, the theory and methods of modern statistics have been applied to a wide variety of fields.i) As a Government Agent: As a government agent, Statistics is an important tool to help us determine what to advice government. The government needs to know what needs to be done, ways to improve to what is being done we do, where to implements new policies and projects. The rate of population growth, per capital income and whole lot of the other things affecting the welfare and wellbeing of the society. Its helps to identify why some things we do work better than others by showing us when they work, how they work, and what elements in them work best. The possibilities are almost endless as we move conditions around for testing...Analysis, economics and statistics enable us to make decisions and meet our targets using sound evidence. The Department for Communities and Local Government uses research and statistics to meet our objectives across the full reach of our policy remit.You can find research documents on cross-cutting issues and gain access to research and statistics under each of the policy areas of the site. You will also find about the role analytical, economic and statistical activity plays in the development, application and evaluation of policy and service delivery. And researchers can also find out about forthcoming research contracts and how to submit a tender.The Department aims to publish reports of all research that it has funded or carried out within six months of the completion of the research, except in cases where some or all of the contents of the research falls within one or more of the exemptions of the Freedom of Information Act or exceptions in the Environmental Information Regulations.For further information on anything to do with analytic, economic, or statistical activity in the Department, please contactby iboi festus

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