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Q: What is the role of the sample maker?
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What is the role of a sample maker in the fashion industry?

A sample maker is paramount in fashion industry. Since the samples they produce must be approved by the fashion creative directors and designers prior to mass production. A sample make can check the size and design of garment whether they are suitable for market.

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Policy maker, decision maker and Oversight

Does the coffee maker come with coffee, or is that separate?

It comes with sample coffee flavors, after that you have to purchase the coffee separately.

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Mother, home maker, the heart of the family.

What role to play?

Role to play? Something like the play maker, or better still a person who set's an example for other to follow.

What role play?

Role to play? Something like the play maker, or better still a person who set's an example for other to follow.

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butcher, cook, cleaner, builder, babymaker, childcare, clothing maker,?

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Paul was a tentmaker by trade, but he is best known as an apostle and missionary who played a significant role in the spread of early Christianity.