Th Roman numeral which represents the number 60 is LX
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers is done as : roman numeral number LX is : 60
LX is the number 60. (L=50, X=10)
VX is not a Roman numeral. X = 10 V = 5 XV = 15 VX = Not a number The order of the letters is very important in Roman numerals, XV is 15 but there is no number that would be written VX in Roman numerals.
The Roman numeral that equals 60 is LX.
Th Roman numeral which represents the number 60 is LX
60 = LX
LX = 60
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers is done as : roman numeral number LX is : 60
LX is the number 60. (L=50, X=10)
VX is not a Roman numeral. X = 10 V = 5 XV = 15 VX = Not a number The order of the letters is very important in Roman numerals, XV is 15 but there is no number that would be written VX in Roman numerals.
The Roman numeral that equals 60 is LX.
In Roman numerals, 60 is written as "LX".
1. It's a composite even number 2. Its prime factors are: 2*2*3*5 = 60 3. Its equivalent as a Roman numeral is LX
It is: 60 = LX
62, L=50, X=10, I=1, I=1 50+10= 60 60+ 1+1= 62
60 - 100 is the same as LX - C in Roman numerals