The number 49 in Roman numerals is XLIX and the number 99 in Roman numerals is XCIX
it's XLIX.49 = XLIX
Technically it would be 49, but that is not the way 49 would be written in Roman numerals. It would be stated "IL".
The number 49 is represented by the Roman numeral XLIX
The number 49 in Roman numerals is XLIX and the number 99 in Roman numerals is XCIX
49 = XLIX
it's XLIX.49 = XLIX
Technically it would be 49, but that is not the way 49 would be written in Roman numerals. It would be stated "IL".
The number 49 is represented by the Roman numeral XLIX
IL is equal to 49 in Roman numerals because 49 can be XXXXVIIII (4*10+9) or IL (-1+50) and not XLIX
XLVIV = 49
According to today's rules 49 in Roman numerals is XLIX.But the Romans themselves would have most probably written the number 49 as XXXXVIIII which can be simplified to IL.