A good word to use in place of incredulous is skeptical.
How about skeptical, or unbelievable
Well the exact opposite of incredulous is credulous. Other words include believing, convinced, gullible, naïve, trusting and undoubting.
Incredulous - unbelieving. It applies to a person. A person can be incredulous (doesn't believe) Incredible-means unbelievable but the way it is used usually more like surprising. A thing or something is ikncredible somehing is unbelivable Eg. It is snowing in New York in march it is amazing Eg. The boy stared incredulously at the incredible sight of a UFO which landed in his backyatd
I am incredulous towards the bible.
His response left me incredulous.
I am incredulous that you can't come up with a sentence on your own.
You said you believe me, but your manner is incredulous.
A good word to use in place of incredulous is skeptical.
The stem for incredulous is "incredul-", which means not willing or unable to believe something.
The teacher was incredulous when the student claimed to have read the novel in two hours.
She gave an incredulous look when he told her he had won the lottery.
credendum, credence, credential, credenza, credibility, credible, credibly, credit, credulity, credulous, incredibility, incredible, incredulous, incredulity
the suffix is "able"
The word "incredulous" is a synonym of the word "suspicious. " An example of "incredulous" in a sentence is "Most of the jury was incredulous about the prosecuting attorney handling the case. "
this is, of course, also absolutely incredulous, requiring one to connect this account