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contaminate is the root word ther is no root word

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Vella Little

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2y ago
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Q: What is the root of contaminate?
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Related questions

What is the root word of contaminated?

contaminate is the root word ther is no root word

What is the root word pollution?

The root word of "pollution" is "pollute," which means to contaminate or make something impure.

What is the antonym for contaminate?

The antonym for contaminate is purify.

Sentence using the word contaminate?

I can give you several sentences.The pollution will contaminate that water!Don't contaminate the salsa by double-dipping.The evil scientist plans to contaminate the ocean.

How do you use contaminate in a sentence?

i have contaminate the food by putting my dirty hand on the food.

Will conventional vegetables contaminate organic compost with pesticides?

no The young plants will not contaminate the compost the pesticides that contaminate must be applied after planting.

How does throwing a battery into the trash contaminate water?

If it is open, the acid will contaminate it.

When was Consume to Contaminate created?

Consume to Contaminate was created on 2006-06-07.

How can you use the word contaminate in a sentence?

To touch a sterile field with bare hands would contaminate it.

Use the word contaminate in a sentence?

The bacteria on unwashed hands will contaminate any foodstuffs they touch.

What is the opposite of contaminate?

The opposite of contaminate is purify, meaning to make something clean and free from impurities.

What is the noun form of contaminate?

The noun forms for the verb to contaminate are contaminator, contaminant, contamination, and the gerund, contaminating.